
Minerican, the social pool for all of us.

Proof of work

Coin Algo Active Workers Hashrate Network Tutorial Chart
SHA256 679 46.78 PH/s 260.13 EH/s View tutorial

Hashrate :

Hashrate profit est.

TH/s 0.00000374 BTC 0.084 USD

Difficulty Next difficulty esitamed Date to next difficulty Algorithm
776160 1812 12 days, 13 hours, 59 minutes SHA256

Settlement period 00:00 today to 00:00 UTC tomorrow
Payout time 02:00 to 10:00 UTC daily

About Us

The Minerican is a brand new full featured mining pool solution designed to provide easy to use, reliable, profitable, and compliant services for global professional miners.

Minerican empowers miners with industry leading functionalities including user created external wallets, sub account and main account structures, flexible pool fee adjustments and energy audit-based incentives for green miners. Our team consists of seasoned professionals committed to providing best in class services for decentralized networks.

As part of the commitment to revolutionizing the pool industry, Minerican is partnered with CCA and the Energy Web Blockchain and pushing for a new renewable standard for other mining pools to follow around the world.

We are also a key strategic business partner of the Binance Pool and by leveraging our partnerships, Minerican aims to democratize mining by making mining accessible to everyone and providing users with a seamless mining experience.

Why Choose Minerican?

Easy, Safe and Effective

Minerican makes it easy to sign up and start hashing immediately with a simple signup process and easy to use accounting and management tools.

Consistent High Earnings

Minerican utilizes the popular FPPS, PPS+ model for maximum user earnings and supports daily payouts. Minerican works with top institutional players to guarantee and safeguard user assets and ensure consistent payouts.

Comprehensive Incentives

Minerican is designed with the greater good in mind, and offers comprehensive incentives for miners using renewable energy and those who want to lower their carbon footprint. Plus, VIP rates are available starting at >5 PH.

Go Green

Minerican believes in a green Bitcoin future. Minerican is offering pool fee reductions and other incentives for miners that are utilizing renewable energy sources.